This headline should address your visitors main pain point and contain your "keyword" [H1]
This is your supporting headline which should support/reinforce the call to action above and also contain the main keyword which you would like to rank for in the search results on Google
Introduce your visitor frustration headline here. [H2]
Lightly touch on the frustrations of your visitor here pertaining to the headline above, mention your keyword, use other worlds like stress, money, really make them think about how they feel when it comes to their life or business.
Use this short sentence to give them hope and tell them there are lots of people people in the same situation.

Insert an "empathy" headline to make your visitor understand you know what it feels like...[H2]
Reinforce the empathy headline and start introducing the fact that your product, service and/or expertise could really help them improve their life or business, without going for the hard, annoying sales pitch straight off the bat...
You can break up the reinforcing paragraphs into separate text blocks to make it easier to read for your visitors.
Text which is broken up into smaller reading sizes is more likely to be consumed.
How visitor problem makes them feel headline [H3]
In a short sentence or 2, briefly touch on other frustrations which stem from their main frustration. Try and include some key terms which are relevant to the main keyword you want to rank for
If your sentence is too long, divide it into 2-parts! Nobody likes walls of text, and allows you to add an additional line of understanding an empathy

In this area you should paste in a client testimonial which talks about how you helped them make a transformation from struggle to success. Ideally, when you try to gain feedback from clients, make sure you don't let them write anything. Send them to a Google doc and have them answer questions relation to the product/service and how it was benefited them, then rewrite the testimonial using their words as you see fit to make it pop.
Transitioning From Empathy Into Solutions. Insert keyword [H2]
Start introducing the fact that you are able to assist them with their pain point and you have specific services available to improve their quality of life or business. You can go into some details here, try to include your keyword once and any 'relatable' keywords in the text here.

Name of service 1 [H3]
Go into more details about this service. Remember that you should include your keyword in this bit of text. Make sure you outline exactly what this service entails, set expectations immediately. Try and keep all paragraphs of equal length to make it look clean

Name of service 2 [H3]
Go into more details about this service. Remember that you should include your keyword in this bit of text. Make sure you outline exactly what this service entails, set expectations immediately. Try and keep all paragraphs of equal length to make it look clean

Name of service 3 [H3]
Go into more details about this service. Remember that you should include your keyword in this bit of text. Make sure you outline exactly what this service entails, set expectations immediately. Try and keep all paragraphs of equal length to make it look clean

Name of service 4 [H3]
Go into more details about this service. Remember that you should include your keyword in this bit of text. Make sure you outline exactly what this service entails, set expectations immediately. Try and keep all paragraphs of equal length to make it look clean
This is your FAQ headline. Try and include your keyword in here [H2]
This should be a fairly short paragraph which introduces 'sales focused 'questions' which are there to help overcome any objections the visitor is having. FAQs help bring peace of mind to the visitor which means they are more likely to commit.
Use this paragraph to answer the question in as much detail as you can. You don't want to leave any stone unturned.
Put yourself in the customer's shoes. What would you want to hear before you commit to purchase?

You can add images to support your answer if you wish - this can make the answer more engaging.
Remember to try and use your keyword as much as you can without 'over stuffing' - Google will still read these toggles even when they are closed.
Use this paragraph to answer the question in as much detail as you can. You don't want to leave any stone unturned.
Put yourself in the customer's shoes. What would you want to hear before you commit to purchase?
Remember to try and use your keyword as much as you can without 'over stuffing' - Google will still read these toggles even when they are closed.
Use this paragraph to answer the question in as much detail as you can. You don't want to leave any stone unturned.
Put yourself in the customer's shoes. What would you want to hear before you commit to purchase?
You can add a video to support your answer if you wish - this can make the answer more engaging.
Remember to try and use your keyword as much as you can without 'over stuffing' - Google will still read these toggles even when they are closed.
Use this paragraph to answer the question in as much detail as you can. You don't want to leave any stone unturned.
Put yourself in the customer's shoes. What would you want to hear before you commit to purchase?
Remember to try and use your keyword as much as you can without 'over stuffing' - Google will still read these toggles even when they are closed.
In this area you should paste in a client testimonial which talks about how you helped them make a transformation from struggle to success. Ideally, when you try to gain feedback from clients, make sure you don't let them write anything. Send them to a Google doc and have them answer questions relation to the product/service and how it was benefited them, then rewrite the testimonial using their words as you see fit to make it pop.
In this area you should paste in a client testimonial which talks about how you helped them make a transformation from struggle to success. Ideally, when you try to gain feedback from clients, make sure you don't let them write anything. Send them to a Google doc and have them answer questions relation to the product/service and how it was benefited them, then rewrite the testimonial using their words as you see fit to make it pop.
This is the final call to action telling your visitor to take action
Make sure you write a final supporting paragraph which outlines the product benefits and how it will help them go from problem to happy. This is your last chance before they either scroll up, or click the button below to go to your payment page. Make it count!
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