This headline should address your visitors main pain point and contain your "keyword" [H1]

This is your supporting headline which should support/reinforce the call to action above and also contain the main keyword which you would like to rank for in the search results on Google

Headline relating to their frustrations and pain points with keyword being mentioned. [H2]

Lightly touch on the frustrations of your visitor here pertaining to the headline above, mention your keyword, use other worlds like stress, money, really make them think about how they feel when it comes to their life or business.

Visitor Frustration 1 [H3]

Lightly touch on the frustrations of your visitor here pertaining to the headline above, mention your keyword, use other worlds like stress, money, really make them think about how they feel when it comes to their life or business.

Visitor Frustration 2 [H3]

Lightly touch on the frustrations of your visitor here pertaining to the headline above, mention your keyword, use other worlds like stress, money, really make them think about how they feel when it comes to their life or business.

Visitor Frustration 3 [H3]

Lightly touch on the frustrations of your visitor here pertaining to the headline above, mention your keyword, use other worlds like stress, money, really make them think about how they feel when it comes to their life or business.

Introduce a free lead magnet download mentioning a solution to their frustrations they mentioned above [H2]

Briefly talk about the lead magnet and the contents. You do not need to go into major detail. You can introduce the main things they will take away from the lead magnet to help change their personal or business fortunes - it ultimately depends on their goals.

Please Select One
  • Option A
  • Option B
  • Option C
Option A
Option B
Option C

Transitioning From Empathy Into Solutions. Insert keyword [H2]

Start introducing the fact that you are able to assist them with their pain point and you have specific services available to improve their quality of life or business. You can go into some details here, try to include your keyword once and any 'relatable' keywords in the text here.

*Images could represent solutions...

"Watch video" tagline here

In this area you should paste in a client testimonial which talks about how they felt before and after working with you. This reinforces the 'empathy' section above. Always use a Google doc to a clients questions after working with you so you can rewrite the testimonial yourself using their words


In this area you should paste in a client testimonial which talks about how they felt before and after working with you. This reinforces the 'empathy' section above. Always use a Google doc to a clients questions after working with you so you can rewrite the testimonial yourself using their words


Introduce your services with keyword [H2]

Main Product/Service 1

Go into more details about how your specialism can help them. Remember that you should include your keyword in this bit of text. Make sure you outline exactly what this service entails, set expectations immediately.

Main Product/Service 2

Go into more details about how your specialism can help them. Remember that you should include your keyword in this bit of text. Make sure you outline exactly what this service entails, set expectations immediately.

Main Product/Service 3

Go into more details about how your specialism can help them. Remember that you should include your keyword in this bit of text. Make sure you outline exactly what this service entails, set expectations immediately.

In this area you should paste in a client testimonial which talks about how they felt before and after working with you. This reinforces the 'empathy' section above. Always use a Google doc to a clients questions after working with you so you can rewrite the testimonial yourself using their words


In this area you should paste in a client testimonial which talks about how they felt before and after working with you. This reinforces the 'empathy' section above. Always use a Google doc to a clients questions after working with you so you can rewrite the testimonial yourself using their words


In this area you should paste in a client testimonial which talks about how they felt before and after working with you. This reinforces the 'empathy' section above. Always use a Google doc to a clients questions after working with you so you can rewrite the testimonial yourself using their words



Enter a sub-headline introducing your pricing as well as your most frequently asked questions. These questions will put your customer's mind at ease.


Brief introductory headline

$997.00 USD

  • Product/service feature 1
  • Product/service feature 2
  • Product/service feature 3
  • Product/service feature 4
  • Product/service feature 5

Question one

Use this paragraph to answer the question in as much detail as you can. You don't want to leave any stone unturned. 

Put yourself in the customer's shoes. What would you want to hear before you commit to purchase?

You can add images to support your answer if you wish - this can make the answer more engaging.

Remember to try and use your keyword as much as you can without 'over stuffing' - Google will still read these toggles even when they are closed.

question two

Use this paragraph to answer the question in as much detail as you can. You don't want to leave any stone unturned. 

Put yourself in the customer's shoes. What would you want to hear before you commit to purchase?

Remember to try and use your keyword as much as you can without 'over stuffing' - Google will still read these toggles even when they are closed.

question three

Use this paragraph to answer the question in as much detail as you can. You don't want to leave any stone unturned. 

Put yourself in the customer's shoes. What would you want to hear before you commit to purchase?

You can add a video to support your answer if you wish - this can make the answer more engaging.

Remember to try and use your keyword as much as you can without 'over stuffing' - Google will still read these toggles even when they are closed.

question four

Use this paragraph to answer the question in as much detail as you can. You don't want to leave any stone unturned. 

Put yourself in the customer's shoes. What would you want to hear before you commit to purchase?

You can add a video to support your answer if you wish - this can make the answer more engaging.

Remember to try and use your keyword as much as you can without 'over stuffing' - Google will still read these toggles even when they are closed.

question five

Use this paragraph to answer the question in as much detail as you can. You don't want to leave any stone unturned. 

Put yourself in the customer's shoes. What would you want to hear before you commit to purchase?

You can add a video to support your answer if you wish - this can make the answer more engaging.

Remember to try and use your keyword as much as you can without 'over stuffing' - Google will still read these toggles even when they are closed.

question six

Use this paragraph to answer the question in as much detail as you can. You don't want to leave any stone unturned. 

Put yourself in the customer's shoes. What would you want to hear before you commit to purchase?

You can add a video to support your answer if you wish - this can make the answer more engaging.

Remember to try and use your keyword as much as you can without 'over stuffing' - Google will still read these toggles even when they are closed.

Final headline which calls out the benefits of the service/product [H2]

Go into more details about how your specialism can help them. Remember that you should include your keyword in this bit of text. Make sure you outline exactly what this service entails, set expectations immediately.