This short headline should address your visitors main pain point and contain your "keyword" [H1]
This is your supporting headline which should support/reinforce the call to action above and also contain the main keyword which you would like to rank for in the search results on Google
Insert an "empathy" headline to make your visitor understand you know what it feels like...[H2]
Reinforce the above empathy headline and start introducing the fact that your product or service could really help them improve their life or business...without going for the hard sell straight off the bat..
You can break up the reinforcing paragraphs into separate text blocks to make it easier to read for your visitors.
In this area you should paste in a client testimonial which talks about how you helped them make a transformation from struggle to success. Ideally, when you try to gain feedback from clients, make sure you don't let them write anything.
Visitor Frustration 1
Reinforce the above title with this short paragraph text. It should only be approximately two or three lines long and focus on the readers first frustrations or pain points..we don't want to be pressing with 'sales' early on.
Visitor Frustration 2
Reinforce the above title with this short paragraph text. It should only be approximately two or three lines long and focus on the readers second frustrations or pain points..we don't want to be pressing with 'sales' early on.
Visitor Frustration 3
Reinforce the above title with this short paragraph text. It should only be approximately two or three lines long and focus on the reader's third frustrations or pain points..we don't want to be pressing with 'sales' early on.
Visitor Frustration 4
Reinforce the above title with this short paragraph text. It should only be approximately two or three lines long and focus on the readers fourth frustrations or pain points..we don't want to be pressing with 'sales' early on.
How it makes them feel 1 [H3]
Reinforce the above title with this short paragraph text. It should only be approximately two or three lines long and focus on the readers second frustrations or pain points..we don't want to be pressing with 'sales' early on.
How it makes them feel 1 [H3]
Reinforce the above title with this short paragraph text. It should only be approximately two or three lines long and focus on the readers second frustrations or pain points..we don't want to be pressing with 'sales' early on.
How it makes them feel 1 [H3]
Reinforce the above title with this short paragraph text. It should only be approximately two or three lines long and focus on the readers second frustrations or pain points..we don't want to be pressing with 'sales' early on.
Introduce a free lead magnet download to gather the personal information of the person visiting your page [H2]
Briefly talk about the lead magnet and the contents. You do not need to go into major detail. You can introduce the main things they will take away from the lead magnet to help change their personal or business fortunes - it ultimately depends on their goals.
Your personal details are kept safe and not shared with anyone. Please view our privacy policy
Transitioning From Empathy Into Solutions. Insert keyword [H2]
Briefly talk about the lead magnet and the contents. You do not need to go into major detail. You can introduce the main things they will take away from the lead magnet to help change their personal or business fortunes - it ultimately depends on their goals.
Introduce your services with keyword [H2]
Go into more details about how your specialism can help them. Remember that you should include your keyword in this bit of text. Make sure you outline exactly what this service entails, set expectations immediately. Try and keep all paragraphs of equal length to make it look clean
Go into more details about how your specialism can help them. Remember that you should include your keyword in this bit of text. Make sure you outline exactly what this service entails, set expectations immediately. Try and keep all paragraphs of equal length to make it look clean
Go into more details about how your specialism can help them. Remember that you should include your keyword in this bit of text. Make sure you outline exactly what this service entails, set expectations immediately. Try and keep all paragraphs of equal length to make it look clean
Place a"Our clients" headline introducing your testimonials [H2]
Best part of the testimonial goes here...
Display testimonials here and make them more skimmable by adding a teaser or the best part from the testimonial as a headline. A good testimonial can make all the difference to your overall website conversion rates.
Client name
Best part of the testimonial goes here...
The best kinds of testimonials are ones that tell a small story and include specific details. This is much more powerful than a generic testimonial that simply say "I love this product!" or something similarly vague.
Client name
Talk about the benefits of taking part in your programme or service and why it's better to start sooner rather than later. You can touch on things such as more money, more free time, better family life, better OUTCOME.
Give a summary about this particular benefit. Try to go into as much detail and focus on transformations. Make everything about them and what they stand to gain.
Split up your paragraphs to make it easier to consume. Don't present a wall of text as it is extremely off putting and results in it being less likely the reader will consume your content. It's not a novel you are writing.
Add a video as well by dragging in the video element from the right hand side
Give a summary about this particular benefit. Try to go into as much detail and focus on transformations. Make everything about them and what they stand to gain.
Split up your paragraphs to make it easier to consume. Don't present a wall of text as it is extremely off putting and results in it being less likely the reader will consume your content. It's not a novel you are writing.
Give a summary about this particular benefit. Try to go into as much detail and focus on transformations. Make everything about them and what they stand to gain.
Split up your paragraphs to make it easier to consume. Don't present a wall of text as it is extremely off putting and results in it being less likely the reader will consume your content. It's not a novel you are writing.
You can even add testimonials here to reinforce a point. For example, one of the benefits could be 'nutritional planning' - you could place a testimonial here in relation to someone who had great success with their eating habits
I found the programme to be absolutely fabulous when it came to completely switching my eating habits! I lost 10lbs in the first week due to the simple, easy-to-follow ideology. Loved it. Thank you!!
Give a summary about this particular benefit. Try to go into as much detail and focus on transformations. Make everything about them and what they stand to gain.
Split up your paragraphs to make it easier to consume. Don't present a wall of text as it is extremely off putting and results in it being less likely the reader will consume your content. It's not a novel you are writing.
Add imagery if you feel it will reinforce your point. It could be pictures of before/after to really get your reader to pay attention.
Give a summary about this particular benefit. Try to go into as much detail and focus on transformations. Make everything about them and what they stand to gain.
Split up your paragraphs to make it easier to consume. Don't present a wall of text as it is extremely off putting and results in it being less likely the reader will consume your content. It's not a novel you are writing.
Final headline which calls out the benefits of the service/product [H2]
Make sure you write a final supporting paragraph which outlines the product benefits and how it will help them go from problem to happy. This is your last chance before they either scroll up, or click the button below to go to your payment page. Use the list to itemise exactly what they receive from you: